Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Hauser Family {sioux falls family photographer}

I got to see the Hauser family again when they came to the studio for a quick family session! I'm blogging this super late (these were done in November), but I didn't want to spoil the Christmas Cards.

3Months08 -4x6 metallic

3Months06 -4x6 metallic

Friday, January 13, 2012

Aidan and Nadia {sioux falls child photographer}

I've been on a blogging hiatus.  I was too busy this fall to keep up with it (a good busy though) and then there was Christmas.  But,  it's  fun to look back on this fall and the wonderful families I met so I'm not sorry about being behind.

This is Aidan and Nadia.  Nadia is Aidan spelled backwards, how neat is that?!?! 





